Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Christian and I gathered with other Americans and interested internationals (Christian has followed the race in detail from day one) in Oaxaca to watch the historic election last night.  We celebrated Obama's win Mexican-style with free mezcal shots all around when he reached 270 electoral votes.  People enthusiastically knocked down the pinata of George W.  I loved seeing pins that said "Si, se pue de!"- which translated into:  Yes, we can!  The cheer went up in the crowd:  Vive Obama!

Salud America!

1 comment:

Mary Ellen Brewick said...

WOOOOO-HOOOOO!!! We attended a fun election party at some friends' home and it was a great group of people with some Spanish, French and Latin American individuals who were very interested in the whole process. I'm very proud to be an American today!